Thursday, 29 November 2007

Americans hide EVEN MORE of their assets from their partners than Britons.

Forbes recently published the results of a study of 433 U.S. citizens, whose wealth ranked between $1 million to over $10 million. One interesting finding was that 56% of women said they had hidden or protected assets from their partners, while 36% of the men said they had done so.

Note that guys, 20% more of the female of the species than the male hide assets from their Partner! Think about it!

Of those surveyed with more than $10 million, they were 3 times more likely to have hidden or protected assets than those with less than $10 million. Yes, thats right! Three times more likely! Well, when the stakes are higher, more people play!

The article went on to say that most assets were not hidden by "legal" devices, but by wealth preservation strategies - thats my bag!

To me however the most interesting factor was not commented on by the article; namely these assets were not hidden by people in the middle of divorce or marriage difficulties; no, they're hidden by ordinary - well ordinary multi-millionaires - BEFORE the s**t hits the fan. When America coughs, they say Europe gets a cold 5 years later. The way divorce settlements in the Europe and especially the U.K. are going increasingly in favour of the wife, more and more British men will catch up with the American experience and hide their assets from their partners. Watch this space......

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