Friday, 23 November 2007

Michael Jordan DIDN'T have Asset protection in Divorce! I guess he's feeling sick!!

According to The London Times Michael Jordan, the basketball superstar, is setting a record with his divorce as he prepares to pay his former wife an unprecedented settlement of more than $168m (£80m). Wow!! Slam dunk little lady!!!

It even exceeds the most expensive celebrity divorce on public record, Neil Diamond's from his ex-wife Marcia Murphy, at the enormous sum of £75m.

When will men ever learn? When it comes to "Matrimonial War" there is only one winner and one loser!! Men,- choose which you want to be!

When you SEE things going wrong, (and that means way ahead of consulting the divorce lawyer) discreetly do some pre divorce planning. Take professional advice and plan for the military campaign ahead. No one goes into a battle unprepared, so don't let yourself be dragged into nuclear war without the following;

1) A Good X.O. - Executive Officer .
2) A War chest, and finally
3) A good battle plan - pre divorce!

The divorce lawyer you'll eventually need must be good too, but they're NOT a priority, not at this stage anyway. The priority is planning a strategy to protect your assets and wealth in either divorce or separation, BEFORE declarations of war are issued!!

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