Thursday, 20 December 2007

Another expensive divorce in the UK? Even after a Pre nup!

You have to feel sorry for Stuart Crossley. Not financially, he is worth around £50 million! No, for his choice in wives and his optimism!

He married Susan (nee Dean) in January 2006 having met her about 3 months previously. She had been married 3 times previously ( interestingly always to very wealthy men, thats interesting) and on each occasion had left richer than she had arrived at the altar. When she married Stuart she was worth about £20million, mostly from her last Divorce in 2000 when she'd scooped £16million from Robert Sangster, heir to the Vernon Pools Empire.

Stuart must have thought he'd protected himself by getting her to sign a pre nup in which she promised not to pursue his fortune if the marriage failed. Even though not legally binding in the U.K. a pre nup is still "taken into account" by British Courts, especially in cases like the Crossleys' where the marriage only lasted a few months! Yes, they seperated in June/July 2006 after marrying in January of that year.

I know you will be stunned to know that although Susan, as the doll she is, promised not to pursue his fortune, guess what, she is pursuing his fortune after all! She says the pre nup should not stand because he had not told her about all his assets and he has secret funds stashed in Andorra and Monaco.

Lessons to be learned? Simple.
1. Wise men do not imagine that a leopard - or in this case a cougar - will ever change its spots!
2. Wiser men stash funds in secret because pre nups are open to challenge by an angry cougar.
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Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Five things Men should do when they see divorce coming!

Maybe you've never seen a rattle snake before but I'll bet the first time you do you'll still recognise it! So it is with divorce. You may never have gone through one before, but intuitively you'll just know when it's on it's way. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even this year- but you still know it's going to come; some day.

When you recognise this you will have a choice; sit staring at the oncoming menace like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a truck, or prepare for the day of war.

What to do or not do is a vast subject that would fill libraries, but here are my "top five" basic pointers! Learn the lessons and they will help you survive.

  1. Do not escalate the problems by confrontation. To protect your assets you need time. Bringing matters to a head will merely deprive you of the time you need to plan and put your affairs in the best shape for the divorce. You must learn to be cunning and wait your time. Bite your lip; keep your thoughts to yourself and make your plans. That will be the most satisfying rward in the end, believe me.
  2. Move your financial records out of the home . Do this quietly to a place where she cannot access them and do it preferably without her knowledge. If she notices say your accountant needed them, think of some reason. In every divorce I have seen the wife ALWAYS, BUT ALWAYS copied the financial records of her husband where she had opportunity; her lawyer will tell her to do so before papers are served. Information is key in financial negotiations. Keep her and her lawyer in the dark as much as you can. If they have information they have the initiative; if they don't then you have the initiative as to what to tell and what to do, subject to the obvious limitations of what she already has knowledge of.
  3. Get a private mail address and your own a safety deposit box. Have bank statements, life insurance or pension correspondence and any other personal mail redirected. Don't forget to get any lawyer's communication redirected here as well as tax authority communications. It could be your office if that would work for you or a commercially rented box if you need to. Just do it! Again this is to prevent unknown information seepage. Similarily get a new e-mail address she never finds out about. Only access it from work, NEVER the computer at home! All private stuff you do not want her to know about should go through this new e-mail account. The other stuff can go through the old account she knows about. If there are things you have done on a computer she has access to, blame a virus and do a total clean of the hard drive and a reconstruct using the factory supplied discs. Tedious I know but it is the only way to insure your private emails and documents are fully wiped out from prying eyes.
  4. Get your own Bank account apart from any joint accounts. Again do this without fuss or argument, and don't stop everything going into the joint account if there is one, that would be too marked a hange of behaviour. Do it without arousing suspicion. I would advise that you do not even take the bank card home; store it and all the account details in your safety deposit box or in a safe and private place at your business.
  5. Clean out your wallet and pockets daily before going home. Do Not take home receipts you do not want your wife to see, like the one for the mail box or safety box! Every wife I've seen goes through her husband's pockets and wallet. Do not present her with information she doesn't need. Just allow the normal innoccuous mess of harmless meaningless papers you don't care about and that will not tell her anything.

These are matters of self discipline and good "house-keeping". Remember the foundation of ALL asset protection strategies is financial privacy. Control what she knows and you get ahead of the game. Her lawyers will know this too and for that reason will tell her to get as much information as she can BEFORE a divorce starts.

Here is my final recommendation; even if you don't think it will ever come to divorce, do these things anyway! It just means if you are wrong, you'll have limited the damage.

These are the starter issues, I could go on and on but that is for another time.

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Saturday, 8 December 2007

A Multi Millionaire shows how to protect your Assets in divorce.

Mr and Mrs Mubarak have spent more than £4m in legal costs so far in their divorce/financial settlement case. Their case shows the inability of the U.K.'s family justice system to enforce divorce awards against former husbands whose wealth is tied up in trusts, off-shore structures and other asset protection strategies!

Asset protection Planning working in divorce.

Mubarik has run up a bill of more than £2m in costs to avoid paying his former wife, Aaliya, a lump sum of almost £5m, an amount the high court ordered him to pay nearly eight years ago. The pair although resident in the U.K. for tax purposes and liable to English taxation, manage to avoid paying any tax at all! You see some wealth preservation strategies do not need to be just about divorce, the good advice if acted upon can have tax benefits as well.

Note one of the simple things Mr. Mubarak did; The couple, come from prosperous families in the Kashmir region of India and lived in Kuwait and Hong Kong before moving to London in 1997. Mubarik's companies have business interests at the first two locations and there are also shops in Paris and New Bond Street, in London. The shares in his worldwide empire are owned by a family trust in Jersey, which has complicated his former wife's efforts to acquire his assets. Asset protection planning at it's best! These assets are hidden in the open yet so no one can get at them.

Pre Divorce Strategist at work!

Mubarik put his net worth at £8m in the divorce proceedings, but Mr Justice Bodey ruled that he had substantial undisclosed assets and ordered him to pay £4.875m.
In nearly eight years his former wife has managed to get only £266,000 of that, via the forced sale of Mubarik's properties. (Disappointed, baby?!)

Who says Asset protection strategies do not work? Mr. Mubarik obviously had good advice, I wonder from whom?


Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Five signs you are heading for divorce and need a wealth protection strategy!

Sometimes I am asked by clients whether they are "paranoid" in thinking their marriage is heading down the tube. I am usually advising them about issues of asset protection and various wealth protection strategies and they are beginning to wonder is it all necessary; maybe they were just being "paranoid"? I usually ask some questions to find out why they feel things are not going well. Generally I find that despite their reputation, mens' intuition in these matters equals that of any woman; perhaps it is heightened by the pressure or stress that a failing marriage brings or perhaps the stereo-typical picture of an insensitive man is wrong - as most stereotypes are.

Here are five tell-tale signs that things are not as they should be.

1) Attention changes. Either the wife pays more attention to the husband due to guilt or else seems to find fault with the husband, because she tries to justify the affair in their mind.

2) Sex changes; this can be less interest in sex or indeed occasionally more interest.

3) Money changes. Try and keep a check on where the money goes; if she is more cautious with spending, it is often because there are additional expenses you don't know about. Sometimes a wife starts spending far more than previously on household or family outgoings. This may mean she has received legal advice and be increasing her "financial needs". This is your wife doing her little bit of pre divorce planning.

4) Personal changes; watch out for habit changes in gym attendance, new more sexy clothes in the cupboard - but not used for you! New hair styles, new perfumes, indeed any significant change of routine can signify a change of of object of desire.

5) Phone changes. Maybe a wife whispers on the phone and abruptly changes voice tone or hangs up when you come into the room. Check her mobile account, especially calls made to the same number after leaving for work or just before coming back from work.

As you wll have noticed all of these are behavioural changes of one form or another, because when a person knows their personal relationship is wrong their behaviour changes. Emotional detachment from you signifies a lot. Avoiding communication or talking signifies that the relationship is not on course. When she avoids either connection to her husband or from her obligations as a wife or mother and starts prioritising her needs and desires and behaving as if it is purely her life and she wants to live it her own way rather than with you, then break-up will follow. Sometimes she will accuse you of having an affair as a way of distracting attention.

When you discover some of these changes do not confront your wife as this will only mean she adjusts her behaviour and makes it more difficult for you to keep track of what she is doing. To the same degree that your wife's behaviour has changed because she knows she is turning her back on her relationship with you, so you must make sure that your behaviour does not change to alert her to your suspicions. Instead, keep things as "normal" as possible and do some "pre divorce planning" and exercises in "wealth and asset protection" for the day that comes. Just as she is "playing a game" with you, so you must learn to play the same game in reverse while you protect your assets and wealth and work out a divorce strategy.

Next time, I'll tell you five simple things you should do immediatley you become suspicious to protect your wealth and assets before the divorce war to follow.

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Americans hide EVEN MORE of their assets from their partners than Britons.

Forbes recently published the results of a study of 433 U.S. citizens, whose wealth ranked between $1 million to over $10 million. One interesting finding was that 56% of women said they had hidden or protected assets from their partners, while 36% of the men said they had done so.

Note that guys, 20% more of the female of the species than the male hide assets from their Partner! Think about it!

Of those surveyed with more than $10 million, they were 3 times more likely to have hidden or protected assets than those with less than $10 million. Yes, thats right! Three times more likely! Well, when the stakes are higher, more people play!

The article went on to say that most assets were not hidden by "legal" devices, but by wealth preservation strategies - thats my bag!

To me however the most interesting factor was not commented on by the article; namely these assets were not hidden by people in the middle of divorce or marriage difficulties; no, they're hidden by ordinary - well ordinary multi-millionaires - BEFORE the s**t hits the fan. When America coughs, they say Europe gets a cold 5 years later. The way divorce settlements in the Europe and especially the U.K. are going increasingly in favour of the wife, more and more British men will catch up with the American experience and hide their assets from their partners. Watch this space......

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Increasingly Britons Hide Assets from Partners.

Well, it is official - nearly a third of married partners in the U.K. hide financial details from their spouse!

They lie about salary, savings and debts according to recent survey by Carter Allen Bank. This isn't just lying about the cost of a purchase, ( 44% said they'd done that!) No, 10% said they had a secret savings account, and 9% said they had a secret credit card, but - the big news? That's the fact 2% per cent have assets, that they keep secret, That's right, two out of every hundred people hide ASSETS from their partner/spouse, investment properties and other major assets of value.

Now some may bemoan the fact this shows trust between partners is dead, but actually that isn't the case, because if you think about it, the survey shows that 98% of people DO NOT hide Assets from their partners. With divorce affecting approximatley 33% of marriages the fact ONLY 2% hide Assets is the real surprise! Trust isn't dead, and neither is blind optimism despite all the evidence!! Even if it is only 2%, it feels good to be making a difference!

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

What your wife WILL do in pre divorce planning.

I am often told by new clients how they cannot believe that THEIR wife would do anything underhand to them in the course of a divorce. I am also often told by new clients how they cannot believe what THEIR wife did, not just in the course of the divorce, but even before a divorce case was launched! Square the circle folks and you find as I do that if you scratch the surface, all women in or contemplating a divorce will do remarkably similar things to undermain a man's asset protection strategies.

To illustrate the point I recently read an online article by a U.S. divorce lawyer as advice to women on finding out as much as possible about a spouses financial and business affairs PRIOR to divorce. It makes interesting reading for those of us on the other side of the fence, namely seeking to protect assets and wealth in divorce. She stressed the need to find out as much as possible about a husbands business and financial affairs BEFORE the divorce was launched; this included opening mail, making a note of Bank account details, requesting copies of tax returns the wife had signed for as many years as possible and where she had not signed, then if she had access to his place of business going there and trying to find them. She also advised about "suspicious" transfers to others and valuing assets like paintings and other art.

It just reinforces one of the points that I always make; financial privacy is the key to asset and wealth protection. Keep confidential matters confidential and they have a good chance of remaining confidential; fail to, and you will constantly be chasing after your wife and her divorce lawyer to react to their next legal move on foot of what they know about your financial affairs.

If you don't think your wife would do these things as pre divorce planning then WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES! I'm telling you, I cannot remember a case where a wife DID NOT go through her husbands mail to find details of bank statements, accountants' advice, life policies etc. As sure as "eggs is eggs", SHE WILL DO IT!!!!! - Think guys, she may even be doing it today!!!

On a final point, you will notice that the lawyer refers to a wife getting copies of the tax returns she has signed. Apart from her own individual tax returns, she can only legitimatley get other returns where she has signed either as a partner or a Company Director. The lesson? It may seem obvious, but if your wife is a partner or an officer of your company that is something that needs to be resolved BEFORE she thinks that your doing so is a problem!

Monday, 26 November 2007

Why protect your assets?

The wealthy of the world have always protected their assets. It can be surprising how little the wealthy actually own! By carefully constructing their financial affairs they end up with nothing actually in their names.

The key to asset protection is financial privacy. If a government, (or its courts), can find your assets, they can make them the subject of an order and have them seized, fact; no ifs', no buts, and in effect no appeals worth talking about as the assets will remain frozen and beyond your reach until the appeal is finalised and that may take years! Rather than play the lawyers game it is better to stay low, beneath the radar, and quietly hide your assets in places where they cannot be found.

Some clients say to me, "That means I'll have to pay a lawyer fees for "Off-shore companies" and so on; what a waste of money!" My reply is the same on every occasion; "Do you think that the money you've paid for years on tax was well spent? Do you not think that if you spend a little on setting up secret structures to save tax for years to come it would be worth it?"

All over the world personal freedoms are being eroded, usually in the name of some grand purpose campaign that it seems difficult to argue against; " If you are innocent what have you got to hide by not providing this personal and financial information?" is the usual comment. The free individual replies, "If I am innocent why should you have the right to know?" Privacy is not only a personal right but also a moral duty for the free individual.

Your money, your businesses, your bank accounts, your homes and your assets of any kind you can think of can be seized by a court order, often an "ex-parte" order so you do not even know about the application before the order is made. "Little wifey" trips along with her ugly rottweiler of a lawyer and applies to court saying she fears you are about to dissipate the assets, or flee the country or prejudice her in some way from seizing her pound of flesh from around your vital organs. Mr. Judge will obligingly give her lawyer an Order for the freezing of your accounts until the divorce is finalised, possibly years from now.

The one safety valve you have is that a court -or a wife's lawyers- cannot seize what they cannot find!!!!!!!!!!!!! Learn the lesson men! My first Maxim is; " Treat confidential matters confidentially." Hide all you can and - and this is an equally important part - TELL NO ONE!!!! NOT EVEN YOUR MOTHER!!!!!!! What your friends and family don't know won't hurt you!

Finally, DO IT NOW - BEFORE PROBLEMS ARISE!!!!! Lets face it, if all remains ok you will have lost nothing but a few fees; but if your marriage falls apart and you have done nothing to prepare, your FAILURE TO PREPARE COULD COST YOU EVERYTHING!!!!!

Hulk Hogan "surprised" by divorce.

Reports indicate that Hulk Hogan’s wife, Linda, has filed for divorce. Hulk himself found out about the divorce from a reporter who asked him about it! His response says it all, “I’m kind of shocked … You caught me off-guard. Holy smokes. Wow, you just knocked the bottom out of me!” Join the club Hulk, join the club.

Men are always being surprised by divorce, even when they should have known it was coming! Pre divorce planning is an art form practiced by women and largely ignored by men. Learn the lesson boys; when a divorce lawyer serves papers on you it's largely too late to protect either your ass or your assets! Be wise, plan before the day turns dark. As for the Hulk? Sorry Hulk, I know what you're about to go through.....

Heather Mills Rants about Rats!! It takes one to know one!

Heather Mills, or Lady McCartney to her (few) friends, has hit the headlines again for apparently urging people to try rats milk and dogs milk instead of that of cows. As a militant vegan she feels that innocent beasts are being exploited. I couldn't agree more Heather, but I think it's unfair to refer to Paul as a beast just for marrying a money grabber like you; .... and clearly whatever you drink, it has limited value to the development of any milk of human kindness so far as your husband is concerned!!!

Friday, 23 November 2007

Michael Jordan DIDN'T have Asset protection in Divorce! I guess he's feeling sick!!

According to The London Times Michael Jordan, the basketball superstar, is setting a record with his divorce as he prepares to pay his former wife an unprecedented settlement of more than $168m (£80m). Wow!! Slam dunk little lady!!!

It even exceeds the most expensive celebrity divorce on public record, Neil Diamond's from his ex-wife Marcia Murphy, at the enormous sum of £75m.

When will men ever learn? When it comes to "Matrimonial War" there is only one winner and one loser!! Men,- choose which you want to be!

When you SEE things going wrong, (and that means way ahead of consulting the divorce lawyer) discreetly do some pre divorce planning. Take professional advice and plan for the military campaign ahead. No one goes into a battle unprepared, so don't let yourself be dragged into nuclear war without the following;

1) A Good X.O. - Executive Officer .
2) A War chest, and finally
3) A good battle plan - pre divorce!

The divorce lawyer you'll eventually need must be good too, but they're NOT a priority, not at this stage anyway. The priority is planning a strategy to protect your assets and wealth in either divorce or separation, BEFORE declarations of war are issued!!

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Men! Protect your assets and wealth in divorce to stop being sucked dry!

The BBC has reported a recent study the conclusion of which was that Divorce 'makes men richer'. What planet do these people come from???

Interestingly enough the report was the result of a study by a social researcher, I suppose that explains everything!

The study concludes that it makes financial sense for men to divorce or leave their partners as men who stay married invariably end up poorer than those who leave their live-in partners. In my experience that depends absolutley upon the partner and on how well prepared the man is before the divorce. I also suppose it refers to "most people" who are on average wages have average assets and average expectations. It most certainly DOES NOT refer to the type of client I experience who has multi-million worth of assets and whose wife has multi-million expectations!!

Interestingly the study does confirm that marriage is - contrary to feminist philosophy - inherently in a woman's interest, as it finds that females starting a relationship are one and a half times more likely to improve their wealth than those who remained single. As if we didn't know that!!

A high end specialist Lawyer was interviewed and agreed with the report - surprise surprise. He said that a man's wage will often increase ahead of inflation, while maintenance payments quickly fall behind; "Over a very short period of time, maintenance is devalued by inflation and most people don't go back to get it redone." Well it must be reassuring to his male clients to know that provided their ex doesn't pursue her legal rights they should be OK!! Pity then the poor sod whose hell-cat ex wants to suck them dry and runs back and forth to court to do so! Do you see what I mean when I say that divorce lawyers are just like morticians - presenting corrupted flesh in the best possible way, -but not able to save anything!!

The report concludes that the only solution is for a woman is to be financially successful in her own right, or for the couple "to earn enough money between them for it not to be a problem." In other words if we can get a man with a load of assets and he won't notice the blood being sucked from his veins!! In this regard the report accuratley reflects todays feminist philosophy.

Of course it ignores the pain and trauma of a man losing his children and his home, but what the hell, tell him its a great investment opportunity and he'll end up thanking you for making it possible by divorcing him!!!

On the other hand, some men are fighting back!!

Related Articles

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

What high profile divorces teach us about asset and wealth protection for men in divorce or separation.

The McCartney divorce has been attracting headlines recently, not only because of the vast sums of money speculated as being the settlement figure, but also because of the strange media antics of Lady McCartney herself. The McCartney divorce however is only the latest in a series of high profile divorces we have seen high before where men have built up a business, assets wealth and good-standing through hard work, only to lose a massive amount during separation or divorce to someone they once loved and trusted. Heather Mills has just made it into the record books because of the amount she appears to be about to scoop after only four years of marriage and because she has achieved so much as a 'one legged wonder'! Heck, a woman with two legs wouldn't have cost Paul twice as much, would she?

As a professional involved in asset protection and divorce strategies for men I have a very jaundiced view of her and women like her. I feel she is simply taking advantage of the pro-feminist injustice that currently "infects" the divorce courts both in Britain and America.

With a very few exceptions none of the women in these cases would have made a hill of beans unless they had managed to snare a very successful man. Their only claim to fame - or wealth - comes from screwing the poor slob one last time, through the courts!

The one lesson you learn by observing these cases is that the women take divorce planning and divorce strategies very seriously, the men usually don't. The men could do with a lot more asset protection planning, - my forte! Men think, " I'll get a good divorce lawyer and all will be OK." Bulls**t! A divorce lawyer is like a mortician; he just serves the corrupted flesh in as attractive a way as possible. Men need to actively protect their assets , not just trusting it will all work out. Divorce strategies and wealth protection do not just happen, they need to be planned!

If you think the courts or a good divorce lawyer will protect you, or if you think, your wife/girl is different and it won't happen to you, wake up and smell the roses!

I have a lot of sympathy for a man like Sir Paul; he didn't want to believe that things would deteriorate the way they did. Also, he probably didn't believe that he would be so badly stung after only four years of marriage. I don't know how many times he and she "did-it" over a four year period, but guess and then divide the number into the 50 million everyone seems to be talking about and - well, you get the idea ; a very expensive experience!

So what should a man in McCartney's shoes have done? The thing is, a man must act when things start to go badly wrong. If you wait and let the woman act first you will always be reacting to her legal pressure. If you act first you get ahead of the game. You need to be protecting your assets by pre divorce planning, just like the women plan their attack on your assets pre divorce, and believe me, they do!

So how does a man act first? Regrettably I can't give away my secrets here because my expertise is very particular and only my clients get to benefit from it, but there are a number of simple strategies for asset protection which men can put in place to control the knowledge their wife /partner gains about their affairs while they are still married.

In the field of asset and wealth protection knowledge is king. Deprive the woman of knowledge and she will always be chasing after you for the information; let her have the knowledge and you will always be racing to catch up with her as she seeks to benefit from her knowledge of your affairs! It is one of the best pieces of wealth protection advice anyone can be given.

Asset protection planning and wealth preservation and protection MUST start before the divorce starts if it is to be successful! Doing so will not initiate the divorce; asset protection planning will not prompt the end of the relationship; not at all. There are simple yet subtle steps you can take that she will never find out about, but which will keep your affairs private. It is a very effective divorce strategy for protecting assets.

So, why is privacy so important? I am "The International Privacy Strategist for Men" -No one else does what I do. Privacy is the foundation of asset protection. If you maintain privacy you can choose what information to reveal and what to withhold. If you do not maintain your privacy, you cannot make that choice because you cannot control the flow of information. Of course there is more to it than that but privacy is the start of all asset protection planning and divorce strategies.

I teach my clients four Maxims, - rules of behaviour reflecting truths. The first is; "Treat confidential matters confidentially." If you don't, then don't be surprised when your wife or partner uses the knowledge gained to her personal advantage. As for the other three, sorry but only my clients get to hear them!

As for Sir Paul, if he had been my client his asset protection planning and divorce strategy would have been put in place years ago and he isn't acting on my advice or my maxims or Heather McCartney wouldn't be talking about anywhere near 50 million! or email

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Asset and wealth protection and planning for men in divorce and separation.

Mine is a subversive business. I am totally prejudiced, one sided and one sided only; I work in the UK, Europe and the USA representing men - only men. Read my profile and you'll see my primary objective is asset protection for the male species! Thats what I specialise in, Asset Protection Planning and privacy for men.

I had a wake up call when my wife and I broke up and she engaged a Rotweiler of a Lawyer. I got a letter from them threatening me with an injunction the same day as she and I had arranged to go to counselling to try for reconciliation. That was just the beginning of the worst two years of my life. I had been married for 18 years, children, mortgage, partnership in a top 25 City Law firm in London. For the next 6 months I spent every night with my Legal team, usually until 2 or 3 in the morning drafting affidavits, protecting assets and responding to the next risk of commercial castration by the constant threat of Injunction. It was awful. I realised very quickly that at that stage, in the middle of a divorce, it was too late to do divorce planning.

Eventually we settled down into what I call “normal” litigation; routine hearings, whining and name calling. The biggest surprise was how she did all those things that professionally I had known “other” women do, but because of the life we’d lived together I never believed she would do. I was wrong. I just wish I had done a little pre divorce planning or prepared a divorce and asset protection strategy before I got to that stage. Wealth protection doesn't just happen, it needs preparation. The irony is because of my professional work I could have given myself some excellent wealth protection advice BEFORE the s**t hit the fan, if I had known.

She started using access to the kids as leverage; she visited my blood family and tried to ruin my reputation with them, she even visited my business Bankers telling them we were about to go to court and she would be taking me for a lot of money, not something that gave them confidence in trusting me with continuance of Banking arrangements I had in place. Inside 48 hours I had lost over £2million in commercial facilities previously available to me. She did all this was while I was still meeting ALL the household expenses and paying the kids private school fees and her the same huge amount as when we had been together.

It became clear to me this was only about one thing, trying to extract continuing control over me. Even women you think you know will go for your balls via your wallet if you relationship goes sour. Hearing that from an experienced divorce lawyer is too late if he's acting for you at the time!!

I truly believe that most men are straightforward and simple in their approach. They are by nature rational beings but this means they are at a disadvantage in legal show-downs with an ex-partner. Whether it is insecurity or fear the woman will nearly always take the cautious approach as recommended by her divorce lawyer and go for the jugular so a man is left floundering, reacting rather than pro-actively planning for the war that will always follow a break-up. This can be fatal in the UK and the US which are two of the most unsympathetic legal systems from a mans point of view. Men often make the mistake of thinking that if they get a good divorce lawyer that is the best they can do and they'll be O.K. -WRONG!!!!! A lawyer, no matter how good, is only like a mortician, presenting corrupted flesh in the best way possible, they're not able to reverse the process to save anything!!

I left my partnership in the London firm and started “Doctor Ditcher”. I admit it is an obvious play on words, but it reflects my approach that men really need to wake up and smell the roses! If a man engages me I show him a number of simple strategies for asset and wealth protection and to preserve his privacy. Knowledge is key and I show men how to protect their privacy and deprive the woman and her lawyers of information. Divorce planning and divorce strategies must happen pre event to be most effective.

For some clients I am retained for two years to get them through what can be the roughest time of their lives. Sometimes I am the only person they can talk to openly. I try to be a man’s one true friend. I give help for men, including asset protection secrets and strategies, sometimes off-shore.

I treat all my clients with the same degree of confidentiality as if I were still a lawyer. Also, it is important my involvement remains unknown or it could lead to a woman going back to court in a fishing expedition. Knowing I am involved means they know the man is protecting his ass!

Most of my clients are ordinary men, usually professional or with good jobs or their own business and they just don’t want to hand over 50% or more to someone simply because they’ve been having sex with them for some years. Marriage isn’t meant to be like prostitution yet ironically, the courts increasingly treat it as a commercial relationship where if you didn’t negotiate the cost up front they say 50% of all you have sounds fair enough! Indeed if the court calculates a mans worth favourably to the wife and, for example, doesn’t take account of some liabilities because her lawyers successfully argue they shouldn’t, he can end up paying her more than 50%! This happens surprisingly frequently.

I can give divorce advice and tips, but many others give male divorce advice as well. Uniquely however I can advise how to hide assets and money BEFORE a divorce happens as well as helping through the whole divorce and relationship breakdown. This is a field where planning and preparation are vital. I have clients who know things are not good in their relationship, but working with me in the background they stay with their women until their affairs are prepared for D Day – “Ditch Her Day” as I call it!”

As a retired lawyer I can still advise in the background and help a man deal with his own legal team if lawyers are involved. No one understands a fox like a fox!

The legal process is like a game of chess. If you don’t move your men the right way they won’t be as strong in the game as they could be. To most lawyers you are just another case. If they can dispose of your case and get their fees for less effort, then have no doubt, they will! Sometimes you need to play your own legal team. You are the only person truly on your side, well, you and me! The best wealth protection advice I can give a man is to prepare before he thinks it is needed.

If you feel you need help, I can be the best friend you will ever have and the only one you really need;
View my website;