Sunday, 3 February 2008

What Men need to know about untrustworthy Women!

"He who finds a good wife finds good!", but what if she is not a good wife? What if she is a schemer, looking to take advantage of you? We are all given intuition to protect us, and when our still small inner voice screams that all is not well, then we'd better listen!

Time and again - professionally - I speak to lawyers who tell me they are convinced that women plan a divorce years ahead and then, when they feel the time is right , take some excuse of their husbands behaviour and provoke an estrangement and seperation.

The lawyers also tell me that this pre-meditation is the primary difference between men and women. A man will be "suckered" time and again bya wife who takes her time, lays her plans, gathers information against her husband in readiness for divorce and then issues the divorce petition. If there is one thing men need to do more than anyhting it is plan for divorce BEFORE it appears ove the marriage horizon.

First, even in a good marriage keep your financial details confidential. NEVER tell her all your financial secrets. Have at least one bank account she NEVER finds out about. NEVER tell her the details of your earnings or business profit. NEVER have her made a partner in your business.

Second, get a mailbox for confidential mail, including letters from the mutual fund, from the pension company and frm the bank she doesn't know about. ... AND DO NOT TELL HER ABOUT IT! Keep paying for it in cash and do not keep the receipt.

Third, if you have property investments make a division between the one's she already knows about and the one's she doesn't know about, so DO NOT tell her about every new acquisition. Keep these secrets; for the new properties use a different management agent that she knows nothing about and finance them with a different bank to the bank she knows you bank with for the properties she already knows about.

What a scheming woman will do pre-divorce is very typical. She will have been told by her lawyer not to mention divorce, rather to let it come as a surprise in due course. She will have been told to take every opportunity to gather as much information about her husbands affairs as possible, finances, business, investments and the like. Then when she has as much information as she can get, she will prompt the divorce action. This is not fiction; it i s the way scheming women make plans, pre-divorce.

Men need to take certain precautionary steps to protect themselves, again pre-divorce. Pre-divorce planning is the greatest difference between men and women today; women do it and men don't. It is the greatest need men have today.

1 comment:

Arunava Mukherjee said...

Yep, it is real important to understand the nature of women!